Temple Israel is Ottawa’s Reform congregation where Jewish Life Happens --committing ourselves to Kehilah K’lal Yisrael, and Tikun Olam.
We are a dynamic and welcoming congregation (Kehilah) where varied Jewish experiences offer pathways to learn and to experience God for all, respecting tradition and creating new celebrations.
We are an active liberal presence in the larger Jewish community (K’lal Yisrael).
We strive through social action to fulfill the Mitzvot of caring for others (Gimilut Chasadim) and repairing the world (Tikun Olam).
Shabbat services are held Friday nights at 6:15pm and Saturday mornings at 10:15am.
Connect With Us
Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg, Rabbi, rabbimikelberg@templeisraelottawa.com
Raquel Black, Executive Director, execdir@templeisraelottawa.com
(613) 224-1802